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Witcher Wiki
Tw2 journal

A sample journal panel

The journal is a record of information, apparently written by Νταντέλιον, in The Witcher 2.

Whenever a new entry is added to the journal it will be noted in the bottom right hand side of the screen. It is well worth reading these updates as, very often, information critical to plot advancement is supplied in this manner. Press Tw2 control j to open the journal.

Αποστολές Τοποθεσίες Χαρακτήρες Τέρατα Χειροτεχνίας Φροντιστήριο Αλχημεία Γλωσσάριο

Αποστολές Αποστολές[ | ]

The quests section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ receives new quests, or advances in existing quests. While initially virtually empty, this list of quests fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. You may also double-click on any quest to track the mission on the map.

Ενεργό αποστολή Tracked quest
Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία η αποστολή Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία η αποστολή
Αποτυχημένη αποστολή Αποτυχημένη αποστολή

Τοποθεσίες Τοποθεσίες[ | ]

Not all the locations that Γκέραλτ visits will appear as entries in the Τοποθεσίες section of his journal.

Χαρακτήρες Χαρακτήρες[ | ]

Not all the people Γκέραλτ encounters in his journey will appear in the Χαρακτήρες section of his journal.

Τέρατα Τέρατα[ | ]

The Τέρατα, or Bestiary entries, section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ encounters, reads or is told about new monsters. While initially virtually empty, this list of monsters and beasts fills up remarkably quickly with useful information.

Χειροτεχνίας Χειροτεχνίας[ | ]

The crafting section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ receives new information about weapons and armor, as well as when he reads various diagrams and formulae. While initially virtually empty, this list fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on diagrams and formulae in a variety of ways.

Φροντιστήριο Φροντιστήριο[ | ]

The tutorial section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ encounters something new in the game that needs explaining.

Αλχημεία Αλχημεία[ | ]

The alchemy section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ receives new information about βόμβες, έλαια and φίλτρα. While initially virtually empty, this list of information about alchemy fills up remarkably quickly with useful information. It allows the player to look up information on formulae in a variety of ways.

Γλωσσάριο Γλωσσάριο[ | ]

The glossary section of the journal is updated as Γκέραλτ reads or otherwise learns about culture, geography, politics or other interesting information.